Adding more t-shirt colors and hats
If you've looked around you will notice that the majority of cars on Artlines Design will not have every color available. Only more recently added t-shirts will have all of the colors available. If you would like to order a certain car in a color that is not yet available for that particular car, please contact me and let me know. I will add the remaining colors within 24 hours.
The same goes for hats, I have started adding hats to my collection but it takes a bunch of time to upload every single car (at this moment there are more than 600 files I need to upload, select colors, prices, add tags. You can imagine the amount of work this would be). So if you would like to order a certain car on a hat, let me know!
I will be working on adding colors and hats regardless of requests, but you might want a Toyota hat while I'm working on adding Fords.