Happy new year!
2017 Is the year I started my own platform.
It's not easy to build something from scratch. Last year I started out small by creating an account on a print on demand website.Since August I have moved to my own domain not really knowing what would happen.
What it all started with is graphic design. I started studying graphic design in 2015 and a few months later it dawned on me to combine my love of cars with my love of graphic design and minimalism. What came out is what you now know as Artlines Design. Creating minimalistic artwork of cars and seeing it hanging on your walls is what truly brings me joy. Seeing a customers wall with my artwork is a weird and great feeling.
Right now at the end of the year, I am proud to say that Artlines Design is growing more and more and I am working and learning everyday how I can improve your experience and the product that you receive.
There are many new great things to come in 2018, and I look forward to another great year. But right now I just want to say thank you all for your support and I will hopefully see you again in 2018!